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Grade 5 Orchestra Online Practice 


Assigned Date: 03/31/2020 (Practice Concert Songs)






Our Goal(s): 

  • Focus on practicing the Fiddler's Hoedown more.

  • Watch the multi-view recording of Fiddler's Hoedown made by Mr. Murphy.

  • Play your part  along with Mr. Macbenn, Mr. Velsey, and then Mr. Murphy on your instrument. 

What We Need:

Practice Focus:

Focus on Fiddler’s Hoedown this week. Make sure you know your notes and can play at a steady pace before you try to play along with any of the play-along videos below. (this is a make-up lesson for 3/31.




If your instrument is out of tune or has been out of tune, please 1) get a pack of extra strings for your instrument (just in case if the 

strings pop), 2) watch the tuning video for your instrument with your parents, and 3) ask your parents help you tune your instruments by following the guidelines in the video. ***Please do not tune your instrument by yourself and before you watch the video with your parents.


Antique Envelope Front

Dear Orchestra Students,

While we do not know whether or not we will be able to have our district-wide 5th grade concert, Ms. Driscoll (middle school orchestra director at both Memorial and Shore Middle School) and I would like you to continue to practice your instrument until we are able to meet again. 

Please see the concert songs listed below and practice it on your own. 

For those whose instruments have been out of tune, please look at your options below.

Gear Wheel

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