Hello, Ms. Lo
Welcome to Ms. Lo's
Elementary Music Class Adventures
We choose JOY. We celebrate!
Grade 5 Online Music Lesson
Assigned Date: 04/07/2020
Our Goal(s):
Meet a legendary Jazz musician, Duke Ellington through interview
Recognize the types of instruments that are commonly used in Jazz bands
Learn the basics of Jazz rhythm
Learn a simple swing dance move
Learn the history about Jazz through a song
What We Need:
Chromebooks or iPad or any digital device (be prepared to have at least 4 tabs opened)
Our voice
Dancing feet (with our family members)
Click to Start:
Story Time: Learn about one of the Jazz legends, Duke Ellington.
Clicking on the link here to learn about Duke: https://youtu.be/sY3rTWpVkQk
Learn it: Learn the rhythm in Jazz music genre by clicking here:
Hear It: Listen to the Jazz-styled theme song from Monsters Inc and think about what type of instruments did they use in the recording.
Click here to listen: https://youtu.be/_WRKbu5j0O0
Move It: Learn a swing dance move
Click here to a simple swing dance move: https://youtu.be/r5DWLZGQOoE
Sing It: Learn the song Jazz is on its way with lyrics
Click here to learn the song: https://youtu.be/hXlvNd1fWTE
Dear Children,
Good morning! Welcome to the month of April and did you know that April is the International Jazz Music Month? We will be exploring the Jazz musical genre throughout the month of April by learning about famous Jazz musicians, famous Jazz compositions, dances that were inspired by Jazz music, history of Jazz, and instruments that are used in Jazz bands.
When you finished the lesson, scroll down to the bottom to complete the music journal for the day. Be sure to always include your name on the form so you can receive credit for your work. Make sure you are paying close attention to the lesson materials today as you will be asked to answer 8 questions in your music journal that's based on the lesson. Have fun!