Hello, Ms. Lo
Welcome to Ms. Lo's
Elementary Music Class Adventures
We choose JOY. We celebrate!
Grade 5 Online Music Lesson
Assigned Date: 03/31/2020 (Irish Music and Culture)
Our Goal(s):
Learn the sound and the way of counting triplet
Practice writing triplet
Learn another quick Irish dance step
Participate in the first Music Challenge
Build your own instrument
What We Need:
Chromebooks or iPad or any digital device (be prepared to have at least 4 tabs opened)
Our voice
Paper and pencil (or digital drawing app)
Someone's phone to take a picture of your work from Write It segment
Click to Start:
Quaver It:
Review the idea of triplet with Quaver's song The Triplet Song
CLICK HERE to QUAVER MOBILE APP SITE then ENTER this code: 89JVVE to start learning
Write It:
Copy the triplet rhythm patterns (please note your rhythm pattern is different than 4th grade's)
Sing It:
March Music Challenge-The Rattlin’ Bog Challenge: CLICK HERE to learn the Song Challenge
Move it:
Learn the Drum Step in Irish Dance: https://youtu.be/ubS6EXrGVzM
(Optional) Build It and Share it:
Make a balloon clarinet: https://youtu.be/S6gBYYxvizs
Make a tube brass instrument: https://youtu.be/lxwjASA8V3I
Dear Children,
Good morning! We are concluding our brief Irish Music and Culture unit this week as the month of March comes to an end. Ms. Lo has changed the structure of our learning plan so be sure to read through the directions carefully.
Once you've completed the lesson, take a moment to fill out the Music Notebook on the bottom thoughtfully so your attendance and participation in the lesson can be graded. In addition to completing your Music Notebook, you are invited to participate in the very first Music Tuesday Challenge. So buckle down, stay focused, have fun, and hope to see many of you join the March Music Tuesday Challenge!