Hello, Ms. Lo
Welcome to Ms. Lo's
Elementary Music Class Adventures
We choose JOY. We celebrate!

Orchestra Class Expectations
Hello there! Thank you for taking the moment to review this section. I hope this section could give you an idea of the framework of what our orchestra class routine look like.
Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at LO@mentorschools.org or drop me a note by using the Contact Form (Write a Note to Ms. Lo).
Music Class Expectations
All students attending the orchestra class must have their instruments. If any student forget to bring his or her instrument, please give me their names and send the student(s) back to their classroom.
If you're a string specialist, please take the time to pre-tune all string instruments before the class begin so the lesson can flow smoothly.
Students are required to show you what they were assigned to practice from the previous lesson.
Everyone should keep a positive learning attitude throughout the lesson. If anyone starts to make remarks like, "I'm giving up, can't do it" , please stop them immediately and show them what needs to be done in a step-by-step way. If there are students who are "bragging in the wrong way" by making remarks like, "I don't have time to practice" or "I didn't practice at all, did you?", please stop them from keep repeating such remarks and remind them that if they didn't practice, it isn't something worth bragging about. Instead, they need to be intentional and make time to practice.
Please send any student who refuse to turn their negative learning attitude around back to their classroom and give me their names.
Materials You Will Need
A district owned apple laptop with charger
You voice ^_^ and your instrument
The Orchestra SUB Binder
Sterling-Morton: in the music room with Mrs. Karchefsky
Lake: with the front desk secretary, Mrs. Kidd
Fairfax: should be left on my desk or inside my desk
Orchestra Folders for Students (for elementary orchestras only)
Sterling-Morton: (white two-pocket folders) in the music room by the music stand cart
Lake: (blue plastic binders) in Mrs. Kidner's room (5th grade students usually bring them for me)
Fairfax: (red plastic binders) located in the front of the room by the SmartBoard.
A district owned apple laptop with charger
You voice ^_^ and your ears
The Orchestra SUB Binder
Sterling-Morton: in the music room with Mrs. Karchefsky
Lake: with the front desk secretary, Mrs. Kidd
Fairfax: should be left on my desk or inside my desk
Memorial: No sub binder. See Ms. Kim Driscoll in Orchestra Room and assist her in Cadet Orchestra Class.
Orchestra Folders for Students
Sterling-Morton: (white two-pocket folders) in the music room by the music stand cart
Lake: (blue plastic binders) in Mrs. Kidner's room (5th grade students usually bring them for me)
Fairfax: (red plastic binders) located in the front of the room by the SmartBoard.
Memorial: located in the front but students will get them individually
Please pre-tune all instruments during the planning time.
Set-up room with chairs and music stands if you're able during the planning time.
Start on time and end on time.
Lesson Routine: (The Learning Cycle)
Warm-Up: always on the Ant Chant
Listen: ask students to play songs assigned to them to practice from previous lesson for you
Feedback: give students feedback on playing posture, finger placement, rhythm and notes accuracy only.
Listen II: ask students to play one song from the assigned group of repertoire for you again with your feedback.
Feedback: if students improved their playing, move on. If not, repeat Listen II.
Concept: teach student the main concept behind the new knowledge (new songs, etc)
Figure Out: let students apply the concept and figure out how to play the new songs I've selected for them
Conclude: remind students what to practice and that they must practice in order to move on to the next lesson
Set-up room with chairs and music stands if you're able during the planning time.
Start on time and end on time.
Lesson Routine: (The Learning Cycle)
Warm-Up: always on the Ant Chant
Listen: ask students to play songs assigned to them to practice from previous lesson for you
Feedback: give students feedback on whether or not they played through the songs smoothly (if they can't play together at the same time, ask them to start again. If it's because one or two students didn't practice, move on).
Listen II: ask students to play one song from the assigned group of repertoire for you again with your feedback.
Feedback: if students improved their playing, move on. If not, repeat Listen II.
Conclude: remind students what to practice and that they must practice in order to move on to the next lesson